A great source of information online comes from blogs, this is just one reason why blogging is such a great way to earn extra money online. Business blogs where created to drive traffic to a certain website, business, product, or service, by advertising and creating quality content in order to raise search engine rankings & increase online sales. To earn extra money online blogging you must start your own blog as an online promoter, unless of course you already have a business opportunity or website with your very own product or services.
Blogs allow you to establish yourself in any online market when you are able to create helpful articles for that certain marketplace. So if you plan to start blogging to earn extra money online I have some tips for you that will help your blog be one of the more productive and helpful ones online.
1) Think About Your Audience
Consider what is on the mind of you target audience, consider what would interest them. The best way to earn extra money doing this is by thinking about what kind of information you might look for that could lead you to a certain product or service. For example if your blog was promoting PSP downloads you might write an entry on how to download games to a PSP. Another great way to get ideas is just surf around and see what others are writing about doing to earn extra money within your online market, but never copy there work - that can get you in trouble with the search engines.
2) Pictures Will Speak A Thousand Words
People love pictures, they make the whole browsing experience worth there effort. There is no need to upload a picture of yourself, its useful to use pictures that relate to your target audience or on the subject in which you are writing about to earn extra money online. Be sure to consider the impact it will have on your readers, stay away from pictures that might insult anyone.
3) Create A Blog That Is Helpful
Remember to focus on the main reason why you should write a blog. A blog is a great way to HELP OTHER PEOPLE, by sharing with them something they don't yet know and very often NEED to know, like how to make extra money blogging. If people feel that you have helped them some how with your blog, they will come back and look for more information, as they have learned to trust you as an authoritative source. If you are also a bit of a techy person, you can also record a video and do what is known as "a video blog". This is a very powerful way to inform people.
4) Make Your Blog Simple
Statistics show that the average duration of a Web Page Viewed is only about 00:00:56. People surfing the internet don't want to be bored by long articles that don't get to the point, give your readers what they came for. You don't want to use big words either, pretend you are talking to a 10 year old.
5) Make Your Blog Interactive
To make your blog interactive you can start by allowing a place for comments or feedback to be left, you would be surprised by how many people leave comments. Another thing that can be very effective is adding some video and or audio right onto your blog.
Blogging to earn extra money can be fun and exciting but they also have there own purpose in the world of internet marketing.
19 Responses to "5 Blogging Tips to Make Money Online"Here's an example of what an author comment looks like. Notice how the background is gray. For others, the background will be just white. Cool huh?
Here's an example of what an anonymous comment looks like. Notice how the background is white. For the author, the background will be gray. Cool huh?
Hey Mr. Anonymous. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a great comment. It really shows others how the background colors change based on commenter.
If anyone else would like to post a comment, go for it. Anything nice you'd like to say is always appreciated! :-)
Oh,My God! I am buying this theme.Nice work here man!
olá estou fazendo um teste. nadia
nice work...good templates...
nice template...i like it...
it smells
very nice template and the 5 Blogging Tips to Make Money Online makes me read all the way down and learn a lot.
Excellent post! very informative! I have very much enjoyed reading this entries...
Nice theme!
I like this!
Thanks for the wonderful post. Certainly, these tips are helpful but people need to do a little more to earn money from their blogs. The most important part is content and then the Marketing. and if these two things are taken care of, certainly people can earn good money from their blogs.
Too simple
Simple and nice
Look nice and Clean
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